Slow cookers.
There are no Crock Pots of murder, but pressure cookers? L&O:SVU has you covered.
Alienation and Estrangement from the Trenches
Slow cookers.
There are no Crock Pots of murder, but pressure cookers? L&O:SVU has you covered.
… twired.
Either what a toddler is most of the time, or the result of drinking original 4-Loko and similar.
… then we eat Berliners.
… we didn’t call it non-binary. We called it David Bowie.
… take a lesson from “Mrs. Doubtfire” (1993) and learn to get along for the sake of the kids? (Mainly: Brad — study this, become a nanny …)
It’s where you re-edit Winterbottom’s “9 Songs”, all the musical cues are from Blur, and every sex scene is punctuated by “Woo-hoo!”
Clearly Viggo Mortensen became David Cronenberg’s muse, but more importantly, it’s clearly the case that A History of Violence and Eastern Promises are Cronenberg’s takes on Raw Deal and Red Heat respectively, with Viggo in the Arnold roles. Right?
… Dateline is all about white women in Utah being killed by their boyfriends or husbands, so they should change the title of the show.
… here comes Jonald.
As of mid-2021 (let’s say, May) there are few “hits” for “Plaid Țepeș” out there, though there are a few related to a role-playing game (session, or summary of session(s)). I do imagine Plaid as a hipster vampire. Plaid the Upcycling Tailor. As is often the case, I come up with something mildly witty, and then look for that string of words online, only to be — mildly — disappointed that such a combination already has a history. See also: Arson Welles (which we thought would be a great drag or roller derby name) … also an old musical artist (on Twitter since 2010), self-described on Facebook as a pop punk trio.
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