Fridays should be brief. Short and sweet. They’re too short as it is: once the weekend arrives you’re counting down the minutes until it is over and you have to return to the so-called ‘real world.’
It’s still November, so it’s still time for NaNoWriMo. Before bed last night I pulled out one of my old notebooks — I could not find my current grid-ruled one and went with one with lined pages — and jotted down notes, themes, ideas, developments, etc. It was a little outlining with a dash of analysis and sprinkle of inspiration.
I like to think it helped me sleep better.
Ms. S. sleeps still after her graveyard shift, during which a collection of construction workers evidently assembled in anticipation of breakfast. They made as many waffles as possible, leaving none for anyone else, and departed. There seems to be a creepy guy trying to break in overnight, but cameras do not cover the entire property.
Currently the ‘girls’ slumber — post-lunch –, too, and leave me to write. At 5am it was A, scratching and clawing. At 8:30 it was E, jumping and pawing.
Around 10 Kenny knocked on the door so he could take a look at the water heater again. We might as well introduce ourselves and offer him tea or coffee or such, he’s such a regular.
Usually the water heater plays coy, plays hide and seek. It drips when mainteance is not around, plays nicely when they fix it, and stays dry until well after they leave. But this time Kenny turned the tub on and let the heater drain a bit. Then, while refilling, it could not contain itself. Drip drip, trickle trickle. He thinks it has to do with a nipple. His schedule is entirely full today, but he’ll get the necessary supplies and be back out on Monday for fix it … or else!
Okay, he didn’t say that last part.