Author Archives: Steve
Let’s make it 4 in 9 years
The McDonald’s “Filet O’ Fish” commercial is hilarious. And cheap to make. Perhaps the marketing gurus who came up with it got a hefty fee. It’s just two fish sandwiches sitting there in boxes, lettuce behind one and tomatoes behind … Continue reading
Will I fall into the same old traps / grind?
I talk to my parents too little.
New York: Day 17 / Madison
From Madison Ave. and Madison Square Garden to Madison. I made a mistake — the 12th, not the 13th, is/was my return date … I’m glad I figured that out before I missed my flight.
New York: Day 16
It looks as if Shakespeare in the Park is off — there is no Tuesday performance … Jyotii mis-read and didn’t research things (there was a Monday performance, for example). That’s okay … we’ll find something else to do. I’ll … Continue reading
New York: Day 15
Last night was stay-at-home-alone night (Jyoti had her Suicide Prevention Walk, which actually walked by us, near the cathedral, a half-block away; along the way she made a new friend, from Long Island); tonight was movie night, and the movie … Continue reading
New York: Day 14
This is my 3rd Saturday in the “Big Apple.” I heard from Jyoti today, who heard from her Korean friend who lives across the street and went with us to the ballet last night, that as said Korean friend was … Continue reading
New York: Day 13
Quote of the day: “You like to cook? Are there other men like you?” That quote came from the Japanese friend of Jyoti’s Korean friend when we were sitting at Cafe Mozart in Manhattan, around 70th and Broadway. I had … Continue reading
New York: Day 12
At halftime in the first game of the NBA finals the Spurs are up 5 over Cleveland. Today was … the MOMA.
New York: Day 11
Another day, another prime number. When I was a math undergrad prime numbers were among my favorite recreational math interests, perhaps due to all the prime-related work we did under Shahriari … number theory, combinatorics, you name it. The distribution … Continue reading
New York: Day 10
Ten days already? Impressive. And about a week to go; I fly home next Wednesday. Today was the American Museum of Natural History, an institution I know primarily from Preston and Child’s Relic … a mediocre book (at best) and … Continue reading