Author Archives: Steve
Wednesday Wonderings: A Linguistic Rhapsody
Tuesday afternoon online an acquaintance inquired, “In the idiom ‘mir ist langweilig,’ is there an implied (es)?” I provided an answer with which I was not entirely happy. I also came to the realization, while untangling said answer, that the … Continue reading
Tuesday Typesetting
A little progress, step-by-step.
My Monday Meanderings
Cats making biscuits, television, a movie, not quite buns in the oven, typesetting, and more.
Posted in Various and Sundry
Tagged cats, food, LaTeX, Lessing, movies, Schnitzler, television, The X-Files
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Sunday Shakespeare, or “Do not cry havoc, where you should but hunt”
This afternoon Ms. S. and I have the pleasure of taking part in a casual Shakespeare reading. She read Menenius and I covered Brutus in “Coriolanus.” Saturday Ms. S. and I watched the recent R. Fiennes film adaptation (which also … Continue reading
Saturday Simulacrum
This is an imitation of a diary … a journal … a blog.
Freewheeling Friday
It may be December, but we’ve still had temperatures north of 70 down here. That translates to humidity and warm nights, as well, and so at 3am I had to turn the bedroom ceiling fan on ‘high’. I wanted to … Continue reading
Posted in Various and Sundry
Tagged Baumgarten, dissertation, Kant, Leibniz, Mendelssohn, No Sh*t Sherlock!, television
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Thursday Around Town
This afternoon Ms. S. came home, slightly ‘down’ from her workout, and asked whether I wished to accompany her to a couple stores in search of a DVD or two. Of course I said yes. Our trip, however, was not … Continue reading
Wednesday Wrapup
1. Do 2. Learn 3. Create It’s a process, a hierarchy, or just a scheme. I haven’t decided which.
Tuesday Tasks
A full-featured, complete day might incorporate the following: (1) doing (2) learning (3) creating I like to think of it as empirical, rational, and phenomenological.
My Monday in Miniature
This evening, shortly before 10:30, Ms. S. starts the dryer. It’s a comforting sound, a hum and a buzz, a gentle rumble as the asymmetry and imbalance of jeans and socks tumble out of rhythm.
Posted in Various and Sundry
Tagged baking, dissertation, Django, food, Goethe, Python, television, The X-Files
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