Some junk food, junk entertainment, a gift, and so on. All in a three-part diary form.
Some junk food, junk entertainment, a gift, and so on. All in a three-part diary form.
This evening I got introduced to ‘The Truman Show’ … a movie I’ve wanted to watch for years but had never gotten around to.
It’s such a ‘me’ sort of movie.
And a few practical matters. Running down the day, reflections on an episode, and more.
Attempts at productivity didn’t really pan out. But I’ll recap anyway.
Just some daily chores, food notes, and our evening entertainment.
Out and about town a bit today; less than successful shopping; a pop-culture evening. I didn’t have much time to think about linguistics today.
A dreary day. Evening? X-Files, Relic Hunter, “Immortal” … and?
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It started out productively but moved from motivated toward comfort and lethargy. This is not entirely bad.
I thought I would write about pro-drop and subject ellipsis today as well as similar phenomena.
I’m just not feeling it.
Instead, a brief summary:
Let’s treat today in several parts, one of which is narrative, one of which is merely descriptive, and one of which is abstracts from actions to pop culture.