Sulu returns and Zombie Linderman?

Malcolm McDowell loses his head this time around, so to speak.

This was an “action-packed” Heroes in a sense, with the return of Sulu, a couple deaths, dramatic encounters, and a stand-off with guns. I guess we’re heading for a Peter vs. Sylar stand-off in the finale, and one wonders whether Peter chooses to go nuclear in order to stop Sylar since when/if Syler kills Claire he’s basically invincible … so take him (and millions of people?) first?

I spent the whole afternoon (from about 12:15 to 4:45) at Fair Trade, first holding ersatz-office-hours for anyone interested in picking up papers and exams — Chris (off to Freiburg in the fall) got his right after I got my iced coffee — and then to grade more things, chat with Andrew, and write a bit. I doodled a tad but not until I was ready to do did I find me remaining “good” pen, so had to settle for one that’s nearly out of ink.

I got on the bus and drew for a few blocks, but then a blonde got on and took the seat next to me, and I had little space for drawing and instead switched to the first few pages of Christa Wolf’s Der geteilte Himmel before I got off at Brearly and came home. Then quickly off to the co-op for water and chocolate milk (on sale $1.25 for a half gallon).

This morning on the way to the department I caught a few pages from the 3rd Otherland novel, but still have a long way to go — it was Orlando and Fredricks in the virtual Egyptian village accompanied by the virtual hearth god … Otherland is partially about the “plot” for me and partially about the experience of reading it, scene by scene.

There is a “severe thunderstorm warning” in our area, but it’s not yet to Dane county, and so outside it’s still warm and humid.

After Heroes I found myself watching L&O: CI … it’s hard to believe how long it’s been on the air; Vincent D’Onofrio has started getting gray hair, and he’s now 47 — go Pomona! The thing about the show is that it’s compelling melodramatic crack — turn it on and start watching, and you can’t turn it off. Don’t turn it on, and you don’t care … I only care about it when it’s playing. That’s in contrast to the episodic television I view, which I think about between episodes … what’s happening next on Lost or Heroes or or or …?

I’ve not had much time for music today, so will continue with “S” tomorrow.


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About Steve

47 and counting.
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