It’s a hot but emotionally empty day.

Movie of the Day: “28 Weeks Later” — a great, action-filled sequel to “28 Days Later,” though with less emotional investment. It is technically brilliant, if perhaps emotionally empty. But at times that seems to be part of ‘the point.’ I saw it at the Orpheum … cheap enough, a fun place to watch movies, and there were just three of us downstairs (Stage Door) watching it. Upstairs there might have been one of two, but I think it was just the guy in the projection booth.

Rentals of the Day:

  • Underworld (have seen it before, but not for a while)
  • Underworld 2: Evolution (the sequel … not as good, I’ve heard)
  • Night Watch (I’ve seen it, but wanted to watch it again before watching the sequel, Day Watch)
  • Natural City (a recent Korean movie, compared to Bladerunner meets The Matrix)

I think I’ll watch Underworld tonight, perhaps followed by the sequel.

I went to Fair Trade after 28 Weeks Later and doodled for a while while enjoying two iced coffees. The place was relatively empty, with a few spurts of interest by passersby who stopped in for drinks and left. A mother came in with three young kids, all 10 or younger, and they, too, got drinks. Generally de-caf, but at the same time the kids were spouting what I might call “Starbucks Speak.” The could label their drinks as if they were Starbucks baristas, minus the grande and venti bits. It’s disturbing in a way, actually.

Over on Facebook I was contacted by Sarah Thorndyke and added her; Matt Greenberg also contacted me, so my list of “friends” is larger … it’s amazing how empty and pointless these sites are, but how I can’t get away from them. They do serve a purpose, though, at least when it comes to getting in touch with old friends, for I am one of the few people I “know” who keeps a personal site (and not just a “blog”) — without such “social networking” sites I’d have a hard time keeping in touch with some “friends.” But that’s using the American meaning of friends, one that incorporates good friends as well as mere acquaintances. Sarah and Matt are more than acquaintances, of course, but neither really plays much of an active role in my life these days.

Back to the movie, and perhaps to a bottle of Sprecher “Black Bavarian.”

About Steve

47 and counting.
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