2013.03.11: Shurfine. Whatever.

Why there was never that crossover marketing with ‘The X-Files’ I’ll never understand …

1. We began season two of ‘Millennium’ today and season five of ‘The X-Files’. Usually I’d have more to say about each episode. I found both amazing in certain ways.

2. It was a good day to feed the sourdough starters, and instead of tossing the removed starter (removed to make room for new flour and water) I decided to make something of it, so took about a cup, added a cup of flour (a little less, actually), a teaspoon of salt, and a little yeast to speed up the rise (since the starter would provide enough sourdough flavor), used the bread hooks on it and added a little water. After adding the water I realized that it could have done without it, or without most of it. Instead of adding more flour, I just kept it a very hydrated dough. I portioned it into seven spaces in the muffin tin and baked, starting at 475F but turned down to 350F, for about twelve to fifteen minutes. They could have gone a few minutes more, but were cooked through enough. Basically they’re muffin-shaped English muffins … spongey … toast up nicely when sliced … a bit sour … go well with butter and jam.

3. We took in the first episode of ‘Ripper Street’ to fill the time. It was well-made, but in a sense it’s just a high concept police procedural … they’ve just translanted the formula to 1887 London. It’s completely inoffensive and possibly they’ll become more inspired as episodes go by, but although I’m sure I’ll happily watch this, I’m not convinced I ‘need’ to watch this.

4. It evidently stormed heavily after midnight. At 5:30am it was still raining mightily, and it continued off and on through much of the day, though the clouds cleared a bit later on. We got to the mid-50s, after 70s on Saturday. After the time change we now get ‘sunlight’ at 7pm, which is curiously disconcerting though also welcome.

5. I re-found one of the Schiller texts I need(ed). An NPR article on the non-rationality of having chidren (not irrationality, not the judging of the decision itself, but the a-rationality of the situation, that a rational decision cannot be made) led to considerable workd/productivity vis-a-vis analogy and my second content chapter. Not that I have much to show for it.

6. Years from now I’ll look back on this post and know what the weather was like and which television episodes I watched. I’ll know that A was being particularly cute when she took over my lap late-morning, that E sought attention later in the day and talked to us quite a bit. Even if I hate fish by that point, I’ll be reminded that right now I love kale, tomato, sardine, and balsamic vinaigrette salads, and that I made two strong cups of spiced tea — morning and afternoon — with star anise, ginger, cinnamon, allspice berries, and sticks of cinnamon. I made two new-to-me bad (redundant) puns, but I can’t recall what they were.

About Steve

47 and counting.
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