Author Archives: Steve
Tuesday Tasks
A new coffee, contemplating ‘grains’, and needing to tidy up. As for the last: I needed a postage stamp, which necessitated combing through a box of miscellany, leading Ms. S., whose box it was, to realize and proclaim that the … Continue reading
Posted in Various and Sundry
Tagged appliances, coffee, food, lentils, quinoa, repairs, soy, technology, voting
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Monday in Miniature
10:45; Ms. S. leaves for work. It’s a weird schedule we keep. A beautiful day, though, reviewed in reverse.
Sunday: A Night in the Lonesome October
For some reason I am thinking of Zelazny. Tonight Ms. S. and I should finish the ‘Alien’ movies. Earlier in the week I opened a can of pumpkin for some purpose. I’m sure it will come back to me.
Posted in Various and Sundry
Tagged books, food, FRBR, Jack the Ripper, pie, Sherlock Holmes, tempeh, WEMI, Zelazny
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Polls, Trivia, and the Week Ends
Ms. S. runs through acts I & II with a partial cast; Esmeralda slumbers 25 of 24 hours a day; Leaves sail and fall as if suggesting a more organic American beauty.
Fall Friday
It feels earlier than it really is (9am). Food, friction, and philosophy.
Posted in Various and Sundry
Tagged Baumgarten, cats, Christian Wolff, Descartes, dissertation, food, Kant, Leibniz, pie
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Thundering Thursday
Wednesday I rewatched ‘Thor,’ Ms. S. and I tried to watch ‘Anonymous,’ and today the ceiling thunders above us.
Posted in Movies
Tagged Branagh, comics, Marvel, Shakespere, We want the money Lebowski
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Tortilla Tuesday
In summary: maintenance, movies, motivation, and Tex-Mex. A spoiler or two alluded to but not explicit.
Motivational Monday
It’s a various and sundry sort of day. It began sunny and turned toward cloudy; Esmeralda slumbers nonchalantly upon a sofa pillow as I type. I sip on an aged Belgian style tripel. It’s that sort of beginning to the … Continue reading
Posted in Various and Sundry
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‘Darmok’ and ‘Arena’: Some Thoughts
At the beginning of October a friend sent me an email about the TOS episode ‘Arena’ and how the TNG episode ‘Darmok’ might be seen as a less-macho gloss on it. Originally my reply was going to be a sentence … Continue reading