Author Archives: Steve
A week in review
The pumpernickel (see last entry) turned out tasty but not particularly elegant as a loaf of bread. A bit dense and not well-formed as a loaf, I can only call it a noble failure. I’ve had similar problems the other … Continue reading
Pumpernickel and Cornbread, or: it snowed again.
My new 320GB hard drive arrived today. $110.00 via amazon (sold through them for Office Depot); I ordered it Monday and it arrived Thursday, but I didn’t go in until today. It works fine so far, and will be a … Continue reading
Posted in MySpace
Tagged baking, best thing since sliced bread, coffee, dissertation, food, goblin fart, movies, teaching, television
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Thursday evening blues.
Poem of the Day: “Seenot” Wenn die Kraniche bellen Auf den tanzenden Wellen, Muß das Schifflein zerschellen. Und die tausende Raketen, Die beleuchten das täten, Würden grausam zertreten. Wer das jemals erlebet, An den Zähnen erbebet Und ins Jenseits entschwehöbet! … Continue reading
CPE Bach: Marche – Polonaise – Marche – Polonaise
Tonight’s wine: a 2003 Bulls Blood from Eger. Tasty red that gets much better the longer it sits out. Starts watery and fruity but not sweet. Only later does it linger. It becomes fuller, but doesn’t have the tannins of … Continue reading
Posted in MySpace
Tagged books, coffee, Kafka, linguistics, LOST, music, Prometheus, pulp fiction, teaching, wine
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Giant Steps … (and more)
Music 1: Almost done with Joe Satriani … that’s a lot of Joe I had. Bread: I made another loaf of the no-knead bread. Similar taste, similar density, etc. I let it sit in a warmer location this time, and … Continue reading
Posted in MySpace
Tagged baking, music, pulp fiction, Rex Goliath, Sabine, shopping, wine
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Rosenmontag in review.
Heroes: Great episode. It gave Ted a new companion and created a team out of a few disgruntled types. I just rewatched the Kelly Macdonald (aka: hot schoolgirl from Trainspotting; reporter in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, etc.) episode of … Continue reading
Graham Crackers
With a friend I was discussing the horror that is Uwe Boll’s Alone in the Dark, one of the worst movies I’ve ever had the pleasure of viewing, a movie where you ask, “What the f**k is Christian Slater doing … Continue reading
Reflections on Kant, etc.
Jyoti wrote, asking for help with her German translation homework from me and Corina; the course is basically a German-for-reading-knowledge course in which they translate parts of Kant’s 1st Critique (Critique of Pure Reason [1781]).
Bionic Eye could restore vision…
… so claims an article at NewScientistTech. First: what’s up with the mixed-upper-lower-case, no-spaces-between-words naming convention? NewScientistTech? Why not New Scientist Tech, or Newscientisttech, or New-scientist Tech? I have a thing for hyphens, one might notice.
The missing links …
Growing up “The Links” were the friends of the family; Mrs. Link had been a high school friend of my aunt, who isn’t really my aunt, for she’s my father’s first cousin, about 11 years older than he, and sort … Continue reading