Growing up “The Links” were the friends of the family; Mrs. Link had been a high school friend of my aunt, who isn’t really my aunt, for she’s my father’s first cousin, about 11 years older than he, and sort of like an older sister to him, since they were both only children, although her other cousin, Joyce, lived with her for a while after her (Joyce’s) parents died. Or something like that. Thus my “aunt” is really my first cousin, once-removed. And “The Links” are extended family.
They had four kids, 3 sons and 1 daughter, and it’s likely that they grew up with plenty of missing Link jokes, just as a guy I knew, S. Geiger, suffered through Geiger Counter jokes. I once made a Jin Rummy comment to a fellow-student in college. Thereafter I gave up such amazingly unfunny puns. As a kid I grew up hearing Sour Krause far too often.
The thing is … I love sour kraut. Tasty tasty tasty …
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