Tuesday Tasks & Treats

In summary, before going to Ms. S.’s parents’ place:

  1. Didn’t sleep.
  2. Stayed up and bottled.
  3. Stayed up and packed presents.
  4. Browsed the web a bit; returned to present labeling (a creative task in collective)
  5. Snacked (nuts), showered, and breakfasted (eggs, coffee and tea).
  6. Greeted Ms. S. upon her return home; played x-mas music over the speakers (aside: lago’s Christmas playlist came in handy)
  7. Opened a few gifts *for* the cats (two new toys, new collars … with bells!); Ms. S. and I each opened a present … ST:TNG Pez collection for her, a sweater for me!
  8. Ms. S. slept and I got to work in the kitchen preparing some food:
    – 2 pizza crusts/doughs, one seasoned and one plain
    – a chocolate meringue pie
    – blueberry-lemon mini corn muffins
    – honey & lemon-zest panna cotta over a blueberry sauce
  9. I finished the cooking and food preparation (the dough), Ms. S. awoke, and I made her coffee.
  10. We got ready; we loaded the car.

It’s raining gently (~1:30pm) but storms are moving in and out of the area rapidly.

About Steve

47 and counting.
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