Tuesday is one of my “days off” though I should (and sometimes do) use it for productive dissertation work. I need to get back to work on that but have been feeling a little unmotivated recently.
Tuesday is one of my “days off” though I should (and sometimes do) use it for productive dissertation work. I need to get back to work on that but have been feeling a little unmotivated recently.
Stella lent me season one of Türkisch für Anfänger (TfA), and when I played the beginning of the first episode this evening I immediately recognized a few Berlin locales.
Homesickness of sorts resulted.
I got online before noon to write with Helen, Richard, Amy, Gabrielle and others for my weekly Sunday “brunch” writing. This week instead of three prompts total provided by two of our “hosts,” spread out over about an hour but only 30 minutes (3×10) of writing time, we instead started with a prompt from one host and then everybody provided a single prompt as we went around the metaphorical room, which meant 80 minutes of writing, about two hours of time spent writing, talking, drinking coffee, etc.
When I went to Jen and Christoph’s Thursday evening I had been asked to bring along four movies — Swimming Pool, The Dreamlife of Angels, The Woodsman, and Quills — from which we would likely choose something to watch.
Woke up and wished I didn’t, if only because I was tired still and did not feel like rolling out of bed, even if Lordi was blaring from the speakers in the other room. Put a pillow over your head, I told myself, but one or two songs later I did get up, turn down the volume, and stand under the hot shower until full wakefulness returned.
I usually wait to write until the evening, but I told myself, “Self, get it over with early today, so that you can enjoy the rest of this, er, beautiful, er, chilly, er, gray, er messy day inside, curled up with a good book.” My self is wise.
Already the end of February?
I’m not even done with my dissertation yet! (insert maniacal laughter, followed by weeping)
The fuffy white sandwich bread I mentioned last time, before it was baked, turned out great.
So I decided to make it again.
I write this before I know how the bread is going to turn out.
But I am optimistic. Optimistic.
I turned on the TV just as — in my time zone — the winner for best foreign film was announced, and, lo and behold, the German entry won.
I was expecting a win for Pan’s Labyrinth, a truly entertaining and amazing movie, but The Lives of Others is a worthy winner.
I’ve seen it twice so far and recommend it without reservation. Put it in your Netflix queue. Go see it in a theater.