Author Archives: Steve
Old week or new week?
I awoke on time this morning, having set my alarm so I could make it to town for brunch/lunch and writing with Richard and Amy. I went back to — a fitful — sleep for a while with a couple … Continue reading
Keeping it brief
After watching “Family of the Blood” I watched two more — this time really really good — Doctor Who episodes last night: “Blink” and “Utopia.” “Blink” is a stand-alone episode in the mold of a season 2 story told from … Continue reading
And another week ends
I got into town today, went to the Union, had lunch there, and enjoyed the general grayness that was outside from within the bright confines of the Lakefront Cafe while I ate a burger and worked on my computer.
With my cunning and with my skills …
… I don’t need a brain. So goes a line (perhaps two) from the wonderful “Pitbull Terrier” by Emir Kusturica and the No Smoking Orchestra; the song is featured in the amazing “romance” Black Cat, White Cat, Kusturica’s 3rd ‘Balkan’ … Continue reading
Supernumerary body parts and unusually-shaped vegetables
Wikipedia is, if not the source of all knowledge, always good for amusement. Today’s amusement: Unusually-shaped vegetables and Supernumerary body parts, such as extra fingers (or toes), webbing between digits, extra heads, and the like. The page of the Dual … Continue reading
At the midnight hour …
With her head tucked underneath her arm She walks the bloody tower With her head tucked underneath her arm at the midnight hour It’s a nigh of Kingston Trio music tonight.
Monday: beer, brats, and iced coffee
After watching the thoroughly mediocre but promising “Natural City” (nifty ideas, good love story potential, less than inspirational execution) I returned the 4 DVDs I rented the other day and stopped by Fair Trade for a bit to draw and … Continue reading
Happy Father’s Day … well, to fathers
This evening I called my dad; we spoke a few days ago, when I returned from New York. He and Judy went out to St. Chapelle today for wine and a concert. Evidently the weather was cooler than normal there, … Continue reading
It’s a hot but emotionally empty day.
Movie of the Day: “28 Weeks Later” — a great, action-filled sequel to “28 Days Later,” though with less emotional investment. It is technically brilliant, if perhaps emotionally empty. But at times that seems to be part of ‘the point.’ … Continue reading
Friday, but not freaky
Today’s heat made me stay inside, want to stay inside, but the funny thing is, it was nicer outside, despite the heat. For outside there was air movement, if perhaps still no real breeze. While inside I have no AC, … Continue reading