Author Archives: Steve
2013.01.01: SP update
The briefest of updates: TV (x2) Food Fitness
Meandering Monday, Last of the Year
Last Monday and last entry of the year. We went on the road (only a short trip), ate out, finished a season, finished a movie, and so on.
Posted in Various and Sundry
Tagged beer, Cheesecake Factory, food, movies, television, The X-Files
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Sunless Sunday
It should get warmer during the week, with lows around 40 and highs in the 50s; we were down to freezing last night. This is, of course, “nothing,” as my friends elsewhere in the country have to deal with snow, … Continue reading
Szechuan Saturday, or: What I’m Reading but not Eating
A couple weeks ago Ms. S. and I stopped by our favorite local Mexican restaurant for a treat, and this led to a discussion or the origin of several supposedly ‘authentic’ ethnic dishes. And this led Ms. S. first to … Continue reading
A Forgettable Friday
Not much accomplished today; still recovering from the holidays.
Posted in Various and Sundry
Tagged back pain, books, BSG, chocolate, food, holidays, is-ought, Kant, television
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Thursday Tranquility
It did’t begin that way, with a continued argument of some sort at 2:30 in the morning … 3am, even: a couple women raising their voices outside, and at least down a couple doors, never coming to blows but obviously … Continue reading
Posted in Various and Sundry
Tagged baking, books, coffee, food, holidays, meringue, pie, stars, television, The X-Files
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Workless Wednesday Placeholder, or: “It’s smaller on the outside.”
That’s a first. Now this feels like a vacation. Sleeping in late, eating leftovers, watching TV, and relaxing.
Tuesday Tasks & Treats
In summary, before going to Ms. S.’s parents’ place:
Merry Monday X-Mas Eve
While my slumber was achieved late and disturbed frequently, the day itself went smoothly and at times productively. It was a pleasant Christmas Eve.
Posted in Various and Sundry
Tagged baking, I am the law!, movies, television, The X-Files
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Sunday Sitting Around
Sunday is brunch-promt time, and today as I wrote the cats decided that my lap and forearms were a good place tot settle down and nap … who am I to argue?
Posted in Various and Sundry
Tagged food, Kant, programming, television, The X-Files
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